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What to consider before upgrading

Do you feel like the time has come to access more advanced features?

In the name of a well thought out decision, we prepared a checklist to do before taking this important step:

  1. Created your free account and explored opportunities
  2. Did the Help Center tutorials
  3. Published projects for the community
  4. Understand the power of the data available on the free plan
  5. Are you interested in the Certification program
  6. Are you sure that the additional resources will make a difference in your analyses and challenges?
  7. You understand that Mapfry offers support for the use of the platform and that analysis support must be contracted separately with Independent Consultants
  8. Did a comparison with other solutions
  9. Did you notice that Mapfry is faster, simpler and more accessible
  10. There are projects that require immediate analysis and decided to skip all previous steps

Although you can always change platforms, choosing one is deciding where to invest your time in learning and mastering.

The Geomarketing journey is rewarding, but no one can say it's easy.

Hence the enormous importance of making a conscious choice of the commitments undertaken.

If you have doubts and feel that a conversation may be the most enlightening path, that's enough click on this link and schedule an appointment.

You can also watch a free webinar whenever you want to:


Extra features to make the best choice:

How much is Geomarketing worth

How much does Geomarketing cost

Reference tables for Geomarketing consulting services

How to serve clients in Geomarketing projects

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