Total permanent private households by number of residents in the residence
It allows you to measure the potential of homes that have the characteristics of interest to your business in the defined area of influence and analyze the profile of the households that are in that area.
- A resident
- 2 residents
- 3 residents
- 4 residents
- 5 or more residents

Possible interpretations
The number of people per household gives us a picture of families in the regions.
People who live alone are able to maintain a house with their income, a sign that they have income compatible with their needs.
When we see two residents, we also see a possible compound income, especially if they are couples who work and don't have children yet, one of the family groups that The more it grows.
Three residents are the family composition that allows multiple combinations, couples with one child, Solo mothers with two children, the presence of an elderly person at home, given that a large proportion of families are still It depends on the income of the elderly.
Four, five, or more residents may be combinations of previous scenarios, or even couples with two or more children, even though this is a difficult family arrangement to sustain with the average budget.
This is a survey carried out by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) in 2010 Demographic Census and updated by Mapfry based on more recent indicators, such as PNAD And the Population Estimates.
The methodology for updating the indicators takes into account the different characteristics of Brazilian cities that imply specific demographic dynamics.