More and more professionals are seeking Geomarketing and are faced with doubts about how to act.
The main question is about the essential steps for a quality analysis.
That's a great question, but it carries the danger of enumerating steps here and creating a kind of creative tie.
A quality analysis can be quick and objective
As there are boutique consultancies that carry out large analyses, it is sometimes common for them to increase the volume of data, maps, and slides to justify their higher price.
Such companies have a strong image and the benchmark is created that their reviews are the highest quality standard.
This needs to be reviewed.
There is a Famous story, which is constantly circulating around with different characters, but with the same morals, it's called Know where.
Here, a large factory has a major problem that has stopped its production line.
They tried everything, but no one there knew how to solve it and the cost of standing still only went up.
Then they asked to call a specialist.
The specialist arrives, takes a good look at the problem, identifies the problem spot and makes the repair.
Soon everything is working again.
Days later, the factory owner is frightened by the high amount of the bill.
Call the specialist and ask him to explain the reason for such a high bill for just a few hours of work.
Here's where the expert answers:
Only 10% of this account corresponds to the time dedicated, the rest refers to knowing where the problem was and being able to solve it quickly
Therefore, a good analysis is about knowing where and can be as objective as the expert's solution and solving the problem without going around.
As in history, simplicity risks being confused with simplism, when in fact they are opposing concepts.
The first is simple because it has experience and method improved over time, the second is simplistic because it knows no solution paths.
For some, it may be tempting to upload an analysis with examples and steps, but our recommendation is to build your reputation as someone who knows how to solve and solve quickly.
In the end, you will be recognized for your competence and differentiated in agility.